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If you have experienced parental alienation or know someone who has ... Look in the mirror and read this

Calling Myself on Father’s Day

Good morning ... (Fill in your name) Another beautiful morning it is. Yes, I am staying positive.

I call myself to wish myself a Happy Father’s Day. My children have been brainwashed – of course they will deny it. This is part of the alienation process. Unfortunately, they have shown no interest to be a part of my life. Therefore, I again call myself.

With alienation and brainwashing you will hear the following: “Hi mom!” at a sporting event. “Happy Father’s Day to my mom who is a single mom” Sadly, in their mind a father does not exist to them. They have been taught to disrespect and hate the thought of their father. Yet checks are cashed every month until college graduation. Of course, in the public eyes, this goes unnoticed and disrespected. “He is required to send a check.” “I am being raised by a single mom.” “She deserves it.”

They do not acknowledge the many years that their father has attempted to be in their lives. Yet the court system loves to use kids as pawns to make money for the billion-dollar divorce industry. I must not forget this. The court system easily destroys families. I will not blame my kids for not calling today.

It’s ok. They are victims.

Nevertheless, I call myself. I know the love they have missed. They continue to miss the love that I have for them. They missed the love I have always had for my misguided children.

They have missed the love from grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends and more. The friends and family of me, their father, are extensions of my life ... So much wisdom to give. So much passion to give So much love to give

I call myself. The love is here. The love has always been here. Just waiting to be received. The courts, false claims and public disregard of a father’s love have become glass fences.

Glass fences will be shattered. It’s only a matter of time. The bat is on their side of the fence.

“Reach out to your father.” Someone needs to tell my children. Of course, they do not listen to me. Maybe today someone will hand them the bat in order to break the glass fence. Nevertheless, until then. I call myself and text myself. Happy Father’s Day. (Fill in your name)


Prenuptial Agreements: Can They Protect Future Custody Rights?

Prenuptial agreements are no longer strictly for the wealthy. Many couples are finding prenuptial agreements a helpful option for addressing many monetary issues before marriage. They are beneficial when one or both people have been divorced or have children from a previous marriage, and when one person has a substantially higher income than the other.

In addition to ensuring monetary safety in the case of a divorce, many couples might wonder if a prenuptial agreement can protect an even more important asset-their parental rights for future children. It is not uncommon for courts to favor mothers in child custody cases, and men are often pushed from their children's lives, only getting two weekends per month and a couple of weekends in the summer to spend with their children.

Unfortunately, there are no states in the United States that currently allow child custody issues of future children to be determined in a prenuptial agreement. The best needs of a child cannot be adequately determined before that child is born-circumstances can change so drastically in a relationship, and what may seem like the best scenario for a child in the beginning of a marriage might not be best for them ten years down the line. The courts approach child custody on a case-by-case basis, and take into account the current circumstances of each relationship.

Nevertheless it is unfortunate that a prenuptial agreement cannot protect all of the rights of a father in case of divorce. A child needs both parents actively involved in his or her life in order to flourish and feel loved, and there are many fathers who try to provide this type of stability but are blocked or "Denied" at every turn. Courts need to understand that this hurts the child more than anyone, and fathers need to find the courage to stand up and fight against this injustice.

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Parental Alienation Causes Irreparable Harm to Children

Parental Alienation Causes Irreparable Harm to Children

A broken marriage or partner separation should never mean a breakup with the children. Parental alienation leaves a child confused and adrift in a world that emphasizes family values, but does little to foster parent/child relationships when parents live apart. So often fathers lose custody of their children, and visitation depends on the other parent's kindness or how much money a dad can afford to pay. The price of a child support payment means nothing when compared to the price that the child and estranged father pay by losing out on the relationship that nature intended. Children should never be pawns in a court battle; however, they are often treated as chattel by the legal system. In the groundbreaking book, Forever My Daddy: Denied, Dr. Michael Joyner M.D. champions the cause of the silently suffering fathers who have lost part of themselves through the actions of the court, vindictive ex-spouses, and society's indifferent and often prejudiced attitude concerning the importance of a father's influence. FMD Denied encourages the reader to have the tough discussions that seem taboo in modern society concerning getting ready for marriage, arranging custody through pre- marital agreements, and rebuilding bridges of trust and harmony in broken families. Forever My Daddy: Denied is a great gift to a son, uncle, brother, or any man who loves his children. Forever My Daddy: Denied is required reading for anyone who is considering starting a family as well as those in the painful throes of separation, who fear losing their parental rights.

If you are going through a divorce or considering a divorce you should consider a certified divorce coach as you embark the journey. Avoid parental alienation. Avoid the court room. In order to learn more contact us at MJMD Mediation & Coaching for more information about how you can join this important dialogue and support this cause.